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How a Home Standby Generator Works


A Home Standby Generator System has two main components:

1. A generator set to produce the power needed to run your essential home systems; usually installed outdoors.

2. An automatic transfer switch that immediately senses when utility power has been interrupted, transferring responsibility to the generator; generally installed inside.

Below is a basic description of how these components operate to provide you with the comfort and convenience your family depends on. Please note that this is an overview only. For specific questions about operation please contact a DirectPower Generators representitive.

Normal Utility Power Mode: Under normal circumstances when utility power is available, utility power runs through the transfer switch and connects the power to the distribution panel and then to all the electrical loads in a home. The existing electrical system is not compromised in any way by integrating an automatic standby power system in a home. A battery charger is powered by the utility to keep the starting battery in the generator set charged.

Power Outage Occurs: The generator system continually monitors incoming power from the utility line. When the utility power is interrupted, the automatic transfer switch senses the problem and signals the generator to start. The system will then safely close off the utility line and open a new power line from the generator. Within seconds and with nothing required of the home owner, your generator will begin supplying power to your pre-selected circuits. When utility power has returned to a steady state, the system will re-transfer the electrical load back to the utility source and then begin monitoring for subsequent power outages.

Automatic Exercise Cycle: The generator will be exercised weekly for system readiness. The time of day can be set for the system to operate and it will automatically start and run for a preset period of time. During this exercise period, the power available from the generator set WILL NOT be connected to the home, and utility power will not be interrupted.

Copyright DirectPower Generators Inc. 2008